Since JLCR’s inception in 1929, we have had the opportunity to work with a variety of organizations in the Cedar Rapids Community. The following include a few of the opportunities JLCR has had in impacting the community:
- Expanded and Improved Educational and Interactive Opportunities (EIEIO) at Old MacDonald’s Farm
- Cornerstone Project
- Taylor Elementary Mentoring Project
- Child’s Celebration of the Arts
- Over $1,600,000 raised and 3,000 volunteers hours were provided by JLCR for Waypoint’s Madge Phillips Center
- Cedar Rapids Community School’s Rock and Read Program
- Leap Into Literacy program
- Science Station
- JLCR Puppet Show
- Leadership for Five Seasons
- Playtime Poppy, now under the direction of the Children’s Theatre of Cedar Rapids, was originally started in 1935 by JLCR
- Children’s Hands On Gallery
- YWCA Domestic Violence Advocacy Program
- Skills for Adolescence
- Oral History
- Project Partnership
- Civic Tours
- Substance Abuse Prevention for Youth
- Neighborhood Watch
- Library Outreach