JLCR Leadership

JLCR is led by a Management Team and Board of Directors. Leadership positions are open to all members. Terms run from June 1 through May 30.

2024-2025 Board of Directors

President: Mandy Ferrante

President Elect: Jamie Mead

Treasurer: Danielle Monthei

Secretary: Leslie Neugebauer

Nominating Chair: Carrie Kellogg

2024-2025 Management Team

Executive Vice President – Management: Jena Schoenhofer

Executive Vice President – Management Assistant: Ashley Burns

VP of Communications: Melissa Carlson

VP of Fund Development: Ashley Osborn

Active Member at Large: Coady Sierra

VP of Operations: Nicole Ridge

VP of Membership: Katherine Funk

VP of Community: Rylee Collmann

Office Manager: Brittley Dixon

Junior League of Cedar Rapids’ League and fiscal years run from June 1-May 31.

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